We are a body of believers in Jesus Christ committed to worshiping and serving Him as we find documented in His word – the New Testament. It is our purpose to serve Him to the best of our ability, through our worship, our teaching, and our preaching throughout the world. We believe in worshiping God in the same manner as the first century Christians did, and we strive to follow the commands and examples we find in the New Testament.
Christ reached out to people of all ages and backgrounds and we desire to do the same. All who desire to learn about and to serve God are welcome at our assemblies. We want you to share in the blessings of God. We will do all we can to assist you to come and share the love of God, and to share our love for one another.
When you visit with us you will find: (1) Congregational Singing – uplifting congregational singing. Our singing is vocally, the same way the first Christians sang in their assemblies (Ephesians 5:19). (2) Praying – heartfelt prayers offered to God (Philippians 4:6). (3) Remembering – the Lord’s Supper will be served every Sunday. We focus on the sacrificial death of Jesus for us, and the sacrifices we are to make for Him (Acts 20:7). (4) Giving – we joyfully and sacrificially give to spread the gospel and help other believers in need. Guests are not expected to give. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). (5) Studying – accurate, relevant Bible teaching. You will actually learn and understand the Bible. You will not have to sit through political, social, or secular lecture. (2 Timothy 4:1-5).
May you find truth, peace and God’s love when you worship with us!